Senora Sanitari Napkin –Panty System Haque Pharma

Senora Sanitari Napkin –Panty System

Brand: Squar

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Senora sanitary napkins are made with high-quality imported pulps which absorb moisture and provide a constant feeling of dryness. This sterilized sanitary napkin has air-laid paper and PPF that gives liberty to women to move freely without being worried about leakage.

150 Tk


Delivery Type: Paid

Delovery Time: 2 days

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Product Description


Product Type: Sanitary Pads
Brand: Senora
Quantity:15 pads
Super dry
Easy to carry
Comfortable to use
Helps in quick absorption
Good quality napkins
The most comfortable and efficient sanitary napkin.
Senora sanitary napkins are made with high-quality imported pulps which absorb moisture and provide a constant feeling of dryness.
This sterilized sanitary napkin has air-laid paper and PPF that gives liberty to women to move freely without being worried about leakage.

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