Himalaya Liv 52 Liver Supplement For Cat And Dog Haque Pharma

Himalaya Liv 52 Liver Supplement For Cat And Dog

Brand: Himalaya

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Himalaya Liv 52 is formulated with a blend of natural herbs and ingredients that have been used for centuries to support liver health. These ingredients include capers, wild chicory, and black nightshade, which are known for their liver-protective properties.

450 Tk


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Product Description

Himalaya Liv 52 Liver Supplement For Cat And Dog 200ml

Himalaya Liv 52 Liver Supplement
The Benefits of Himalaya Liv 52 Liver Supplement:

Natural Ingredients: Himalaya Liv 52 is formulated with a blend of natural herbs and ingredients that have been used for centuries to support liver health. These ingredients include capers, wild chicory, and black nightshade, which are known for their liver-protective properties.
Detoxification: One of the primary roles of the liver is to detoxify the body. Himalaya Liv 52 aids in the detoxification process, ensuring harmful toxins are effectively removed from your pet's system.
Improved Digestion: A healthy liver contributes to better digestion. This supplement helps maintain the balance of digestive enzymes, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption.
Appetite Stimulation: In cases where your pet's liver health has been compromised, their appetite can suffer. Himalaya Liv 52 helps stimulate their appetite, which is crucial for their overall well-being.
Liver Support: Whether your pet is suffering from liver issues or you want to proactively support their liver health, this supplement is a valuable addition to their daily routine.:

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